You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.16. Sales - Scheduler > Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips > Viewing or Changing the Status of a Picking Slip (v2.8)
Viewing or Changing the Status of a Picking Slip (v2.8)

The statuses of picking slips and the colours in which they are displayed are explained in the previous topic, "Picking Slip Statuses (v2.8)".

To view or change the status of a picking slip:

  1. Open the Warehouse Scheduler.

Refer to "Displaying the Warehouse Scheduler".

Micronet displays the Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips tab.

  1. If required, you can filter the picking slips displayed using the Warehouse View, Courier View, Filter by Status and Filter by KPI's fields at the top of the screen.

Refer to "Selecting the Picking Slips to View (v2.8)".

  1. Select REFRESH or press F2 to display the selected picking slips.

This tab displays the following information:






The total number of paperless and printed picking slips for the selected warehouse(s).



The number of picking slips currently downloaded to PDAs and being picked.



The number of picking slips in a Paperless Queue status waiting to be picked.



The number of picking slips that have been picked, posted back to Micronet and are waiting to be invoiced.



The number of picking slips in a Paperless Held or Edited status.



The number of traditional Micronet picking slips that require printing out and manual picking as opposed to paperless picking slips.



If Micronet has been set to automatically calculate order weights, the total weight of the selected orders in kilograms (see the Weight (Kilograms) field below). Use the Shift and Ctrl keys to select orders for weighing.

You set up Micronet to automatically calculate order weights by setting the Weight Calculation field on the Courier File Update screen to Add up Weights of Items (see "Couriers Master File"), and then entering item weights in the Inventory master file (see "File - Inventory - Item").



Any action performed on a picking slip through the Warehouse Scheduler that has not yet been processed, e.g. a change to the slip status. When you process the action by following the steps below, this reverts to No Action.



The type of picking slip which may be one of the following:

  • Paperless Picking – the slip was created in the Sales Force module on a PDA, in Micronet Online Ordering, or in an external web ordering system that is linked to Micronet via Data.Connect. It may also have been created in Micronet Invoice Creation and posted paperless.
  • Slip – the slip was created in Micronet and requires printing out and manual picking.
  • Held Invoice (2.8 feature) – the slip has been held in Micronet
  • E-Order (2.8 feature) – see "Processing E-Orders (v2.8)".



The priority of the picking slip which determines the order in which it will be downloaded to a PDA for picking. To change a slip's priority, see "Maintaining a Picking Slip (Priority, Picker, etc.) (v2.7)".



The status of the picking slip – see "Picking Slip Statuses (v2.8)".



The debtor ID for the order.



The debtor name.



The date on which the order was created.


Held No

The picking slip number.


Order No

The order number.



The number of lines on the order.



The ID of the picker the picking slip has been assigned to. To assign a slip to a picker or to change the picker to whom a slip is assigned, see "Maintaining a Picking Slip (Priority, Picker, etc.) (v2.7)".



The picker's name.



Technical Tip

You can assign default pickers to debtors in the Warehouse master file – see "File - Warehouse - PDA Users (v2.8)".



Order Value

The total value of the order, ex GST.


Scheduled Time

The time the slip was posted to the paperless queue.


Start PDA Time

The time a picking slip was downloaded to a PDA.


End PDA Time

The time a picking slip was completed and posted back to Micronet.


Creation Time

The time a picking slip was created in Micronet.



The ID of the courier the order has been assigned to. To enter or change the courier, see "Maintaining a Picking Slip (Priority, Picker, etc.) (v2.7)".


Courier Status

The courier's status, e.g. whether they are open for a specific day.

To open or close couriers, see "Edit Schedule - Special - Open/Close Courier".


Weight (Kilograms)

If item weights have been entered in Micronet, the weight of the picked quantities in kilograms. Note that this might be different to the weight of the ordered quantities displayed in the Weight Ord (Kgs) column.


Z0 - Z8

The zones for Zone Picking.





Order Outstand

The amount outstanding per order, ex GST.


Weight Ord (Kgs)

If item weights have been entered in Micronet, the weight of the ordered quantities in kilograms. Note that this might be different to the weight of the picked quantities displayed in the Weight (Kilograms) column.


Picking Outstand (Ex)

The total value of the lines on an order where the order Status is set to Picking Schedule, ex GST. This allows a warehouse to target picking slips based on a pickable value so that slips with a higher value can be prioritised over those with lower values.


Dollar Outstand (Ex)

The uninvoiced dollar value of the order, ex GST.



Technical Tip

  • This screen is not automatically updated. It is a good idea to select REFRESH every now and then to ensure you are viewing the most recent data.
  • You can copy and paste the list of picking slips to an Excel spreadsheet using the standard copy and paste functions (Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V) – see "Copying and Pasting from Micronet to Excel (v2.8)".
  1. If you want to change the status of:
  1. Select EDIT SCHEDULE then select one of the following statuses:

Note that the status colours have been removed from the screen and the Action field has changed to the status you selected.


Technical Tip

If a picking slip only contains a backordered line and you select to post it to the paperless queue (SET SELECTED TO PAPERLESS QUEUE), Micronet displays a message that there are no items on the order that can be picked so you need to select a different posting option, e.g. SET SELECTED TO WAIT. When this message is displayed depends on your setting in the Picking Value on PDA No=QtyOrd Yes=Qty Supp field on the Picking screen / Edit Warehouse Mobile Settings screen (v2.8) (see "Picking Settings") – i.e. whether the quantity ordered is 0 or the quantity supplied is 0.

  1. To process the status change(s), select PROCESS.

Micronet processes your changes and then redisplays the Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips tab. Note that the Action field now displays No Action again and that the Status field has been updated.


Technical Tip

You can only change the status of a picking slip:

In addition, if you try to load a picking slip that is on a PDA (status = On PDA), Micronet displays a message that the slip has been sent to a PDA and can't be edited.